Total:13 Entries1 2 3 4 5 

Name:brown, jay - 9/9/2003
James it appears that you took your time to get this web site up to what it is now. I read a portion of your biography, and stopped reading it because you used big words and I couldn't understand them. Jay B.

Name:WILLIAMS, MESHA - 9/8/2003
James, I am so proud of u and how far u have come!!! This is great! I love it,( and it's not b/c I'm on it)! I hope this is the beginning of a successful start!!! Remember who your favorite model is....Mesha

Name:Saliba, Tim - 7/2/2003
Great job James! I took a peek at the photos on the front page & have to say taht you do real nice work.

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